How POWER KIDS PRESCHOOL became the Most Popular Preschool

With outstanding personality development and wellbeing. Students are a foremost priority in this school. The Provision of Extracurricular Activities and an effective house system have encouraged students to take part and excel.

ProEves had an opportunity to speak to the Director Mrs Urvi Jadeja on their road to success

1. Tell us about your journey. How and when did your brand establish? What has been your inspiration?

Power Kids Preschool’s journey started in 2015. Our inspiration was to do NGO work. We started our journey to nurture kids and give them education beyond expectations at affordable costs.

2. What is unique about your brand?

At Power Kids Preschool we strive to create a warm and stimulating environment where learning is fun. We engage in activities that promote and extend children’s curiosity and awareness of their world. We encourage children to grow in confidence, self-esteem and independence. Our primary focus is learning through play and exploration. We nurture child’s social and emotional skills. We value diversity and promote equality. Regular parental involvement and orientation.

3. Tell us about the team.

Our teachers have an infectious enthusiasm for their subjects. All student’s individual needs are known and taken care of by staff. All teaching staff is trained for Digital Classroom and attach emotionally to the child. Teachers give space and comfort to the child so that they can share their thoughts and feelings fearlessly. Supports children with special educational needs. Teachers involve children in various activities to make them independent. Our non-teaching staff is trained to maintain high standards of hygiene and take care of child’s safety and security. They manage children with allergies, taking care of the sick. Takes care of food and drink, maintaining food hygiene.

4. Any message to the working parents.

Material aspirations and necessities of daily life often compel both the parents to work. Team Power Kids supports a qualified mother to be independent by providing a homely environment to their child through Power Kids Day Care centre. Trained Teaching and Non-teaching staff take care of a child’s personal and educational needs the same way as at home. We ensure the child feels safe and secure in our care. The Escort system is provided for the safety of a child. 

5. What are the plans for the centre this year?

To provide a welcoming environment where every person matters.
To ensure children,staff and parents have a good understanding of healthy lifestyles.
To provide experience for children to explore and learn from peers and adults.
To promote a brighter future for us all by developing the potential of the children, parents, staff and community.
To provide a range of learning opportunities which support the development of each child.
The focus now is on accelerated development of Physical,Personal,Social and emotional skills.
Achieving positive behavior.
To develop concrete literature and language, logical and mathematical, creative and expressive and scientific skills.

Here are some Power Preschool’s various virtual programs to keep up with your children’s education.

Play Group
Lower KG
Upper KG

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