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The Olive Kid Day

-- 14 Reviews

Stepping Stones Sr Sec School, Sector 37D, Chandigarh, Punjab - 160036
: Asmita, Aarti : 8146227733




Each day, The Olive Kid provides a balanced approach to learning, giving you the peace of mind that your child will have fun as they develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

We give your child the tools to become confident and self aware. In a caring and stimulating environment, our passionate and engaging professionals give your child endless opportunities to grow, learn, explore and imagine ? whether building a bridge to space using Jodo Cubes or inviting friends to a tea parting in a village house during group play. While academics play a role in development, we believe that there are many other opportunities for enhancing the whole child and helping the child to begin the process of knowing and discovering herself.

The Olive Kid teaches children life skills that go beyond reading, writing, math and science. Playing with toys helps develop motor skills and teaches lessons about sharing with friends. Singing songs while washing hands instils an interest in the arts while forging social bonds and educating children about the need for good hygiene. Each activity is designed with a specific lesson or outcome in mind.

At The Olive Kid fun and learning is always combined with culture education. Keeping little Olives connected to their roots is an important tenement of our philosophy. Hence the O2 field trips to the countryside or to an old age home; celebration of important days like National Cleanliness Day or Earth Day instil in very young minds the values that form the basis of their life-long learning.

We provide a balance between choice and informally structured activities, between group and individual pursuits and between teacher and child centered experiences. We, create opportunity for seasonally relevant lessons. For example Olives learn about butterflies in spring and about snow and ice in the winter. And we give families the tools to continue the education at home.

The Olive Kid Day is a child centric centre at Chandigarh Sector-37d. Their preschool services operates from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and daycare services operates from 12.30 pm - 5.30 pm. The centre is reachable at 8146227733 and

Fast Facts
Year of Establishment : 2010
Days of Operation
Preschool : Mon - Fri
Daycare : Mon - Sat
Hours of Operation
Preschool : 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Daycare : 12.30 pm - 5.30 pm
Age Accepted
Preschool : 1.6 yrs - 5yrs
Daycare : 1.6mnths - 9yrs
Total Capacity
Preschool : 30+
Daycare : 20+
Staff:Child Ratio
Infants : NA
Toddlers : 01:05
Older Children : 01:10
Extended Hours
Fresh Cooked Meals
Transport - Pick up and Drop
Daily/ Monthly Report
Weekend Childcare
CCTV Camera
Live App for Parents
Emergency Services (First Aid/Doctor)
Qualified Teachers
AC Rooms
Indoor Play/Activity Space and Materials
Outdoor Play/Activity Space and Materials
Free Trials
Massaging and Bathing Experts
Activity Classes ( like Crafts, Painting, Pottery)