KG 3


Reinforcing letter sounds, Learn short vowels and word formation. Learning blend, digraph, sight words, positional words and many more. Promoting reading skill which vocabulary development. Numbers comparison with symbols, basic addition and subtraction. Developing drawing colouring and painting skills.

Class Duration

30 mins

Child Age

4.5 - 5

Class Frequency



01 Jun - 01 Apr

Days - Mon - Fri
Timing - 09:20 AM
Learning Goal


Developing pencil grip

Following instructions.

Letter recognition and its phonic sounds

Numbers with quantity counting

Social skills

LEARN - Virtual Program Certificate

Language Skills
Engaging Contant

How It Works

Age appropriate activities
1.10/12 sessions per week 2.Recorded class only if the child is absent. 3.PTM once in 2 months 4.Worksheets 5.Diary of the each day session for working parents reference.
On booking, you will be provided all the details on email