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Life Cycle of a Plant | Proeves Learning Lab

life cycle of plant

Plants form a part of our living environment as they follow a cyclic process of growing from a seed to a plant and then germinating to produce more plants. This process can be explained to children in a very interesting way by germinating any seed or pulses available at home. The entire activity takes a week and it sensitizes children towards our environment and trees. This activity also helps to bring forth feelings of compassion and ownership in children when they take care of their own plant by watering, observing and looking after it.


The Life cycle of a plant begins with seeds. Seeds are dispersed in a variety of ways like wind, animals, birds or water. Once the seed fixes into the soil, it gets ready for the next stage i.e. germination.


Seeds need a specific environment to germinate into saplings – moisture, soil, sunshine and correct temperature. When all conditions are met, it germinates into a sapling with roots pushing down into the soil and small leaves finding their way out through the top of soil. This process is called germination.


The small plant that comes out of the soil is called sapling. It receives nutrients to grow from the soil through its roots. Sunlight also provides nutrients for the plant to grow. 

Adult Plant

The plant slowly grows in strength and height to become big. The parts of a plant are stem, leaves, roots, leaves and flowers. The flowers produce seeds which again disperse and later germinate to create a new plant.

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