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Top Expert Tips to Defuse Toddler Tantrums

Toddlers are very clear on their likes and dislikes, what they do and don’t want to do, and they are dead-set on communicating this in any way they can to exert control over their world. While totally exasperating, tantrums and pushing the limits signal a leap in your child’s development.  Also, children are just developing their ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they are unable to communicate to you how they feel with words. This can naturally cause a lot of frustration and quickly result in a tantrum.

Sometimes we know the reasons, but still tantrums are unavoidable. All we can do is try to calm the kids and make sure the tantrums reduce over time. Here is a list of few techniques & strategies for parents.

With lots of modelling and coaching, children learn to soothe and regulate themselves over time. Although tantrums can surely be unpleasant, try to see them as opportunities for your child to learn—about rules and limits, about feelings, and about self-regulation—all critical skills for life.

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–By: Anu Sri, Digital marketing consultant & Content strategist

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