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Why Writing Skill is Important in today’s digital-age?

Though we are in an era where print media is faltering, and people prefer sending mails than sending letters, but writing skills are still important for our children. Agree that digital writing workspace is convenient for several reasons, with the push of a button or a tap on a screen, students can activate engaging learning experiences, or they can record lectures. But writing skills still represent the core, the foundation, the central pillar in a communications consultant’s offering.

Handwriting still forms an integral part of our education system due to the fact that the majority of our examinations are still handwritten. Writing skills are very critical for your child’s academic future and it’s good to start as early as possible. Writing notes by hand has many cognitive benefits too.  Our Edge centres Kindercare, Maple Bear, Neldrac, Nectar’s Cove, Perfections, Youngin, The Courtyard, First Step, Crystal, Chalk & Duster and Sswings Preschool & Daycare shares a few of the main reasons why writing skill is important in today’s digital age:

Visual-motor skills, such as eye-hand coordination, are associated with academic achievement. Writing by hand offers improved fine motor and “pre-writing” skills of young students.

Children who can write quickly and legibly are more likely to demonstrate skills in expressing their thoughts through the written word.

Students who create their notes by longhand are more likely to remember what they were taught because they had to synthesize the information through mapping, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Group of teachers around the country have found that students more likely to use informal language in formal papers who are using more digital technologies.

Children who struggle with handwriting may also suffer even more as they struggle to keep up with the volume of written work required.

Writing and reading are recursive acts that require thinking skills, and writing by hand supports the development of these skills.

A pen and paper can allow your child to think more freely when doing things such as brainstorming. A blank page, a pen gives you the freedom to where you can write, circle important points and add side notes wherever makes sense.

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