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Child’s Safety at Home – Do’s and Don’ts

Home is a place where kids spend most of the time during day and night and learn many things. This is the place where your kids would love to explore the things around them. This helps their mind and body to develop and expand. While a home is a safe place, it may also have hidden dangers. Your child might face some accidents like falling down, finger pinching or a choking hazard or even get injured by furniture. Hence it is very important that you make sure to teach about safety at home for kids. Sunshine Preschool & Daycare shares some important safety aspects that you can check at your home:

Preventing Falls at Home : When your child starts crawling, install safety guards across entries to stairs and balconies and supervise your child on stairs and balconies.

Burns and Scalds: Keep a close eye on your child whenever he/she is near things that can burn like stoves, ovens, microwaves, heaters etc

Strangulation and Suffocation: Some of the everyday items could strangle or suffocate a child. These items include soft toys and bedding, blinds, cords and ropes, bags, boxes and packaging.

Furniture & Door Safety: Children can be seriously injured if furniture tips and falls on top of them. Here are ways to avoid this issue:

Poisoning:  Often household chemicals and medicine are the reason behind poisoning to children. So, remove potential poisons or store chemicals and medicines up high in a locked cupboard.

Electrical Safety:  Keep all sockets at above 5 feet or use power point covers the sockets if they are below 5 feet. Get a licensed electrician to install safety switches, which cut power off quickly to avoid electrocution. Check earthing of all appliances like fridge, microwave etc.

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