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Have you checked Preschool Readiness of your child?

Preschool is a big stepping stone in the world of learning & being independent for your child. None of the parents would ever want to start it at the wrong time. It’s very important to understand that your child is ready for preschool or not, the first step towards learning should not come as a burden on him/her. Get an idea of what to expect before joining preschool by checking out these developmental milestones from your child. This list will help you to identify the readiness of your child to preschool.

These are the main developmental milestones your child should achieve before starting preschool :

  1. The child should be able to communicate efficiently.
  2. Be able to state first & last name clearly.
  3. Possess Fine Motor Skills, child can use appropriate three-finger grasp when using writing instruments (pencils, crayons etc)
  4. Count to at least thirty & knows what number comes before or after a given number to 20.
  5. Identify basic geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, rhombus (diamond and heart)
  6. Know basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, white).
  7. Identify numerals 1-10 in random order.
  8. Identify most upper and lower case letters.
  9. Use finger to accurately touch count items to ten.
  10. Be able to rhyme words.
  11. Retells simple stories in sequence.
  12. Should be able to make familiar word, like when given a word (“man”) creates the familiar word (“fan”)

The most of the leading preschools like Maple Bear, Kindercare , Youngin, Nectar’s Cove, Perfections Kharghar suggests that if your child can easily do the things mentioned in the above list, then your child is absolutely ready for kindergarten.

To conclude; there is no ‘Perfect Age’ to begin school. All kids are SCHOOL READY at their own pace. So to say, some kids are ready for play school at as early as 18 months while some need to wait till as long as 24 – 30 months.

The First Five Years of Education are important to build early skills. If you are confused in selecting the right preschool for your child, register here for preschool counseling with experts.

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