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Torn between managing Work and Child ? Tips to handle Mom’s Guilt

Stressed businesswoman in the office.

If you are working mother then Mom’s guilt & stress are almost undetectable part of your life. Some of the mothers admitting they’d also missed their kids’ important milestones, you’re not spending with your kids, you are unable to provide the extraordinarily healthy food or you don’t have the perfect-picture of them to share on social media. It’s easy in our hyper-aware culture to make you feel like you’re not doing a good enough job at this whole parenting journey.

We have spoken to moms and experts on motherhood to break down mom’s guilt and offer tips to combat it :

  1. Your guilt could be brought on because you made a bad choice but there will be times when you need to put yourself or your career first. That is absolutely fine. So decide the priority & be happy with your decision.
  2. Release mommy guilt because you had to leave your child to go to work. Try to create an Anti-Mommy Guilt Credo based on why you love to go to work and keep motivating yourself.
  3. Try to get away from people who cause you guilt. Set a personal boundary from that kind of person.
  4. When you talking to non-working mom, try to remember they speak from their perspective, which is based on their experiences. You have your priorities & different perspective of life.
  5. Best way to overcome mommy guilt is to give yourself a break and take a day off to spend with your child. Connect with your kid’s daily rhythms, appetite, and personality and try to make a memorable day with your child.

When you feel stuck, remind yourself that things won’t last forever. Before you know it, your child will be in elementary school and independent afterwards. Who knows what will happen tomorrow! So stay hopeful that things will change for the better. 

By- Anu Sri

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