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Independence Day in today’s life from a Mother’s Eye

Happy Independence Day!

Hold on.. Hold on! Are you a mom? Then you might be missing the real meaning of Freedom!  You are a full time caretaker of a small human being  who cannot speak but still gives orders every moment of the day !   We are celebrating  Independence Day, but do you feel the need to get freedom from few things mentioned below :

1. Unwanted advice: The moment you get pregnant, a lot of people freely unload advice on you. All of a sudden your mother in-law,  mother,  aunties, even strangers give you  loads of Gyan. Do you want that ?

2. Maid tantrums: Can we please have steady house-help? Finding a maid, training her and learning to trust her is not easy. Then she strands you, when you need her  the most; it is the worst kind of heartbreak.

3. School work and projects: Think of all the School work like “Best out of Waste activities, Environment-friendly Ganeshas, Dress up like  a freedom fighter, Poster on Water Conservation. Consider all the hours spent making projects that  are forgotten in a week.. Sign me out, please.

4. Judgemental people: They say raising a child is not cakewalk, but we still face a lot of criticism about how we raise our kids!! We need some space, we are learning from experience. Do you want freedom from these the critical folks?

5. Solicitous Syndrome: Can we get a break from this selfless, all–giving, ever-forgiving, putting-yourself-last syndrome? We are also human, we can also be selfish. Sometimes we can  be unapologetic, stealing our kid’s chocolate! Can we please have some ‘Me Time’ without any regrets!!

6. Mommy Politics: Organic or Natural?, Normal or C-section? ,Co-sleeping or Baby cot?, Only child or Siblings?, ICSE or CBSE or IB or Waldorf or Home schooling?, Antibiotics or Homeopathy? The options are plenty … Parenting is hard enough without adding all this politics to it. Do you want all these discussions all the time around you?

7. Unpaid Labour: Motherhood is nothing but 18 to 20 years of bonded unpaid labour. A Survey tells us that an average stay-at-home mom puts in 94 hours a week. Do you want it to be reimbursed by you? Well, YES ! Because we are worth it!

If you are someone looking for freedom for few hours from daily chores and get some exclusive ‘Me Time’. Click Here and book a flexible Daycare for your child and get a guilt free time for you.

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