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Breastfeeding Made Easy : Amelio supports New Mothers

World health organisation (WHO) recommends mothers worldwide to  exclusively breastfeed infants for the first six months to  achieve optimal growth, development and health. Thereafter, they  should be given nutritious complementary foods and continue  breastfeeding up to the age of two years or beyond. Experts suggest  breastfeeding within the first day of birth until the infant start  having a balanced wholesome meal.

While it’s easier for stay at home moms to breastfeed their child,  it’s the women at work who face a challenge in meeting their child’s  daily requirement of breast milk. There is indeed a shift in daycare  industry that is now encouraging their parents to visit daycare during  office hours & breast feed their child. Also we have seen daycares  creating comfortable & private feeding area.

Leading daycare brand Amelio Early implements the WHO guidelines for  promoting breastfeeding at very level at their centres. Right from  centre design till infant care care program & policy, everything has  been designed keeping the requirement of a feeding mother.

Breastfeeding Area in Amelio Center

Satish Kumar, Head – Curriculum, Amelio Early Education says “We are  aware that most working mothers return to work in their babies’ first  year of life. We know the benefits of breastfeeding, that it is better  for both mom and baby. We have always incorporated a well-designed  breastfeeding area in our infant room, across all centres. Our infant  caregivers are knowledgeable and supportive of breastfeeding. We are  counseling every infant’s mother about the importance of  breastfeeding and support to give children and their mothers a  significant health advantage.”

Breastfeeding may be the single most important thing a mother can do  to contribute to her baby’s healthy development. We are counseling  every infant’s mother about the importance of breastfeeding and  support to give children and their mothers a significant health  advantage.

If you are looking for more details on Amelio center, please register here.

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