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Top 7 benefits of a Parent/Mother Toddler Program!

A Parent toddler program is a specially designed program to help toddlers prepare for ‘Pre-Schooler’ phase. It’s usually a series of sessions spread over weeks, sometimes months to make sure kids feel confident enough to be able to face preschool without the comfort of having a known face around.

These programs is full of fun & learning age appropriate activities to make sure that the attending kids are not intimidated by the idea of school but actually enjoy going to school. The kids & parents are exposed to activities that are usually in line with activities that are done in school. Usually the centers conducting sessions have their own age criteria, but when parents want to enroll totally depends upon them. As soon as the kids start to show interest in exploring external world & curiosity to learn new skills, he / she is ready for structured learning approach.

The instructor in such programs usually plays a role of just guiding the parents while parents play an important role of guiding the child & in turn inspiring them to do the activities & gain confidence. So apart from preparation for pre-school how does Parent Toddler programs benefit parents & children? Let’s see how.

  1. Parents get the opportunity to bond with their child in a conducive environment. Even if parents do spend quality time with their child at home, the affect an external environment would have, not necessarily only structured programs, but also outings etc are very different from the known settings at home where there are high chances of focused being shifted from the child to other things.
  2. Parents get a chance to be part of initial learning journey of their child. Going forward it gives an assurance to child that parents are invested in their growth, development & learning.
  3. These programs gives kids an opportunity to explore all different variety of specially designed learning / educational toys & play material which otherwise they might not get chance to access all at one place.
  4. Parents get to meet a lot of like minded parents going through the same phase in life as themselves. This gives them a chance to discuss out issues with experts & other parents to get solutions of child related issues if any.
  5. It encourages kids to involve in collaborative play, develop a value of sharing & caring and also imbibes the importance of schedules & discipline in kids.
  6. These programs help in emotional, physical, intellectual, social & creative development of the baby. In simpler terms, it helps kids to be more independent, develop imaginative thinking, develop motor & hand-eye co-ordination skills etc.
  7. Lastly, and most importantly, Parent Toddler programs ensure a smooth transitioning to Pre-schools, thus taking a lot of emotional stress away from both the children & parents.

One of its kind saturday sessions for Parents Toddlers to have fun, bond, build on values and learn lifebased themes. Register now for the open session on 4th March in Gurgaon.

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